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July 23, 1996
6:37 p.m.

update on my life

I signed up for a correspondence course in medical transcription. I'm having a hard time paying for it, but I like it. I like that medical stuff, and it would let me do work at home if I wanted to. It's supposed to be something where you can make good money. I know it's stereotypical, but like I said to Terri, the important thing is that I am doing it because I want to and not because it's all I can do.

My kitten is getting big. When I first got her she was very timid and didn't want to be held much. Now she is pretty friendly and even comes to meet me and get held when I get home from somewhere.

We got our first electric bill. It was $140! That is about $60 higher than the highest bill I have had. I called the electric company, and they said they would reread the meter. I sure hope it is their mistake because neither of us know what could have made the bill so high. We also found out that we only get $15 credit for what used to be food stamps. Yeah, we are one of those low-income families, which is pretty embarrassing. How we only get $15 is something that I will never know. They told me that our payments on our classes don't count. Let me tell you, that is a real incentive to take some class to get the skills to work and get off the stupid credit. Why pay for the class when you don't get to eat? Hopefully things will be better in August. We had been planning a trip to Michigan to check things out, and we've already put a lot of money away for it. Neither of us wants to put the trip off. Fortunately, we somehow got $39 in credit this month, and we still have quite a bit of veggies.

Oh, yeah! I did find out that City University in New York also has the program I want, so I called and asked for an application packet. I also am applying to U.M. in Ann Arbor, Mercy in Detroit, Windsor, two places in Chicago, and Ball State which is just about 30 miles from good ol' Anderson.

I decided to change my major to psychology. I only have 23 hours left if I do that instead of my 33 in rehab. That will knock out finding rides for internships and 18-hour semesters. I will get to sit in classes and stay on campus and take a 14-hour and a 12-hour semester. Aren't I smart? Also, since psych is what I want to do my graduate stuff in, this will be more helpful when I am applying. BAnd to think I have 200 hours all for a 36-hour major that I could have finished three years ago.

Well, I'm going to go make Jell-O. I am craving something sweet.

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