Thanks for visiting my diary. I've been journaling since 1984 and have chosen to share some of my entries online. They are not all positive thoughts, but I hope that reading them might be a blessing to someone who needs encouragement.

If you are just coming to my diary for the first time, please read my introductory entry, where I share some background that is important if you plan to follow this diary regularly.

Please also visit my music page, where you can hear samples from my debut CD, I Believe, which features songs written based on experiences shared in this journal.


December 24, 2002
6:06 p.m.

description of the diaries4God ring

In my travels around Diaryland, I've read some fascinating diaries that show me that people really are seeking to grow into a deeper relationship with Christ and use their diary as a tool for that. I've also read some diaries that give me the impression that some people view Christianity as the "in" thing, and that makes me very sad.

Part of the reason I post on Diaryland is that I want my life to be a witness. I am excited to see other people doing the same, and I thought it would be nice for us to be able to encourage each other in our journeys.

Diaries4God is a ring for people who demonstrate their commitment to deepening their relationships with God in their diaries. Members must meet the following criteria:

Write in your diary somewhat regularly. If you haven't written in the last six months,we feel it is safe to assume that you are no longer actively participating on Diaryland. Your growth is not evident to us, and therefore we cannot nurture you. You, in turn, cannot participate in the mutual building up of the body of Christ which is here. That's fine with us. We don't question your faith or the depth of your walk with Christ. We simply seek a community of active Diaryland members who can and will encourage one another.

Please do not lock your diary. If you wish to have a private diary, that is fine; but private diaries break the circle and do not contribute to the community which the ring is intended to build. Locked diaries will be removed from the ring. In fact, if you do decide to lock your diary, it would be nice if you would help us out and remove your own site. Former members who decide at a later time to unlock their diaries may rejoin the ring.

Any diaries containing offensive content will be removed. Such content does not contribute to the building up of the body of Christ; neither does it help you in your walk with God. Offensive content includes but is not limited to pornographic material, excessive foul language, promotion of ungodly lifestyles, insults, etc. We do not ask you to limit yourself to joining only Christian rings; however, we do ask that the types of rings you join not reflect ungodly ideas or lifestyles.

You must display the ring code on your template or on a page that is linked from your template. If the ring is displayed on a page that is linked from your template, the link text must clearly identify the page as a page containing rings.

You must display a link to a valid address for contacting you. We will need it in the event that we need to contact you for any reason about the ring or related activities.

An email list exists to provide an interactive forum for ring members who want to chat, share prayer requests, etc. You will be sent an invitation to the list once your diary is accepted into the ring.

The ring managers reserve the right to remove sites we find do not meet these criteria. If you have questions about the criteria, please email us.

Click here to join the ring.

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I am a member of Lighted Path, a directory of Christian diaries.

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