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February 3, 1997
7:42 p.m.

therapy issues

I have a lot of little issues to bring up in therapy--nothing to make a goal out of. Maybe if I put them here I can make sense out of them.

1. I have made up these names for some of my feelings and experiences. I hear voices and often blank out and feel like I am watching myself. My husband and others have made comments about my dramatic mood swings and the fact that I can go from seeing everything from a hopeless point of view to acting on solutions all in a matter of a few hours or even minutes. I am scared. That is my most immediate issue, and it is very awkward to go into a therapy office and try to explain that. I don't want them to think when I say I hear voices that I am hallucinating. I am not hallucinating. They are my own voices, and they stop or start depending on what mood or frame of mind I am in.

2. I am graduating and have enough hours in individual subjects to have three majors and a minor, and then quite a few more hours. So I have three equivalent interests and I don't know what I want to do when I grow up. There is the singer/songwriter; the teacher; and the minister/counselor wanna-be. I don't want to settle for just one. I want to do them all. And am not far enough along in any of them to be employable after graduation. I did not finish the teacher certification program. I cannot do anything with a psych undergrad degree except go to graduate school, but I need to be bringing in some money if that is supposed to happen. I want very much to sing, but that takes a lot of open doors which just are not there. The singing part I can wait and work on as a side thing. It is the counseling vs. teaching that has me very confused and pretty scared. I have been in undergrad school for seven years. Now what?

Since originally writing this, I have done some checking and found out that I can take some more classes in the summer and be able to teach in the fall on something called a deficiency plan. This is what I am planning to do now because I am fairly confident that I can find a job teaching visually impaired kids, which was one of my interests. Hopefully that will get me on my feet and feeling better, and eventually I can go to graduate school to do the counseling thing.

3. I lost a friend due to a supposed suicide four years ago. I was in therapy for that later, but probably too much later or else the related issues will just have to heal on their own. I have a lot of abandonment fears as well as other avoidance symptoms which are expressed through Tasha.

4. I need to learn how to make stable, healthy friendships. That is a long story in itself and would probably make a good therapy issue if it was something that was consistent and that I could work on here in this town. Why I can't is a long story, but basically it boils down to my need to be able to travel to and from social events without depending entirely on the friends I am trying to make. Since both my husband and I are visually impaired and don't drive, that is a major barrier while we live in this small town. Later, after my graduation, when we are in a more accessible town, this would be a good thing to do therapy about. I don't really know what to do in the meantime. I have a girl in one class that I have arranged rides home with, and maybe we could have lunch. She goes to noon lunch at the BSU on Wednesdays.

5. I still have a tiny bit of trouble left over from the abusive engagement, and I guess from some other events that happened between ages 14 and 22. I am trying to learn to be intimate with my husband, but it is going very slow. I have never had much sexual feelings, and that is probably the weakest point of our marriage. It is very painful for me a lot of the time, although that is getting better. I know that I have to be in a really relaxed state of mind, and it is very hard for me to get there. I don't know if this means I need stress management or if it means I need some kind of help with the idea of being sexually intimate. I guess both.

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