Thanks for visiting my diary. I've been journaling since 1984 and have chosen to share some of my entries online. They are not all positive thoughts, but I hope that reading them might be a blessing to someone who needs encouragement.

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February 15, 1997
7:56 p.m.

thoughts about weight loss and pregnancy

I gained about 20 pounds during my third year of college (first year at this one), mostly thanks to changing schools to a school with a yummy cafeteria with yummy desserts. I moved to an apartment and started doing my own cooking, and I maintained even though not eating perfectly for about 2-1/2 years. Then I got on Depakote. Depakote and other meds do cause weight gain, and I didn't know that ahead of time. I ate constantly, hungry or not. I ate because I had cravings and was near food, and this is very unlike me.

One thing that I have considered very important about the weight/size thing is that I am a person of small frame. I know muscle weighs more than fat, and I have gotten a lot more in shape since coming here. That is why I am going more by my measurements than by my weight. I have never been unnaturally thin or even naturally thin, just small. I have clothes in my closet that are realistic for me to wear, and I use them as my target.

A lot of people don't think I look overweight because I carry it pretty well. But I can feel it, and I know that for me there are physical advantages to not being overweight. I am not, however, going to obsess on it. I talk about weight with my husband when we can discuss it rationally. I do get offended when people get irrational with me about my dieting efforts, but I think it has more to do with their attitude than with my weight.

I took a pregnancy test this morning and it is positive. I am feeling so good today! I told Mom, and she made some comments about wondering why we were not being careful & using protection. I couldn't tell her that we have been wanting a baby. My husband commented this morning that now it feels like there is more to show for our marriage than a piece of paper. Not that we are married just to have babies, but it feels real now. I feel like I have actually succeeded and gotten close to having a dream come true that I thought would never come true. After the other engagement went so badly, I thought I did not deserve a family or even a husband. Now I will have both, and I feel so good inside! This sexuality stuff has been such a struggle for me all along! I am making progress and even starting to be more spontaneous and have a small bit of desire, and that is new and feels like there is hope for me!

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