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April 14, 1993
8:07 p.m.

more roommate frustration

What did I do to deserve this crap? Colleen has treated me like dirt all week! She brings Jason prancing in here whenever she so desires, whether I'm in bed or not. He comes in my room and either talks to Elli or stands there and talks to her while she is in the bathroom doing whatever. He eats our food and does his own thing in here when she's not here. I'm sick of it. Tonight I asked her to wash their dishes. She saw me cleaning up the kitchen at midnight last night, and she knows there weren't any dishes here this morning when I left. She knows I didn't eat lunch, and I haven't even been here all evening. And she has the nerve to say, "They're not all our dishes."! I said I hadn't used any, and she said really rudely, "I don't have time. I will do them tomorrow," and stomps out of here at 8:30 to go spend time with Jason. It's not like I asked her to do them at midnight.

I'm through being nice to her. I'm tired of her taking advantage of me in my house. I'm tired of her acting like she is the only one who lives here or that I am her kid. I don't want Jason here when she isn't here, and especially when I'm not here. I don't want him in my room or the bathroom when I am in bed. I always give fair warning before I go to bed, and he shouldn't need to be there unless he needs to use the bathroom anyway. I'm not buying any more groceries for her. If that means I have to stick mine in a drawer in my room, then I'll live that way for however long she stays here. She has been spending all her money on pizza and dinner with him, so it's obvious to me that she doesn't give a flying flip whether we have food or not.

All this isn't helping my stomach to calm down at all. If anything it's making it worse. I want this over as fast as possible, and I'll be fair about my end of it. It's not my problem if she blows her money and doesn't have any to live on.

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