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June 16, 1999
3:00 p.m.

eye report and more job thoughts

I have tons of stuff on my plate right now. If I think about it, it's actually overwhelming enough to give me a headache. But this is the time I tend to flourish, when there is too much to do and not enough time to do it. There isn't any time for me to think and get overwhelmed, and that's the only way I seem to succeed. I have been out of town for two weeks so have school to catch up on plus this week's assignment to do. Due to problems with IQuest and yesterday being Detroit day, I'm much further behind than I'd like to be. There is also another situation going on that is taking a lot of my attention away from school. Once I get caught up it won't be a problem because there will be enough attention to go around. Well, really time is the issue, not attention. Right now I'm just not sleeping--I'm too upset.

I got a good report at the doctor's in Detroit. Medicaid mess is taken care of until December. Yay!!! I have my annual recertification at the end of this month, but that's no problem. It's just an appointment. Anyway, my eye is doing great. I finally got somewhere with the cornea specialist. I got him to explain to me the whole deal about stitches. The idea is to keep them in for a year if at all possible unless they come loose, but after a year they need to start being taken out. So I can stop worrying about unexpected stitch removal for a few months.

He's also been wanting to take me off one of my meds which I've been on since before the surgery. I finally told him that I had had too much trouble with what I take that med for to feel comfortable stopping it. When I told him about why I was taking the med, he agreed. So I don't have to stop it. He also decreased my steroids to three times a day. Now I only have two med schedules to remember instead of three. I can take my steroids at the same time as my Depakote.

What to do about the dream job...? I don't like to make waves. But I equate this to the question of whether or not to tolerate abuse just because the abuser intimidates me. I'm not going to do it any more. I will probably end up filing a complaint with the EEOC if this doesn't work out. That's a scary thought, but if I don't do it then I will end up feeling like the district must have been right. I need to put some action to the part of me that believes in myself.

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