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October 21, 1994
8:36 a.m.

more spiritual struggles

Lord, I know I've been straying away from You lately, and I would like to try to come back. I need Your strength and encouragement to do it because I really can't do it on my own. I want to change a lot of things in my life, and I don't seem to have the strength to do any of them.

1. I want to have more desire to grow spiritually.

2. I want to be more disciplined about reading Your Word.

3. I want to concentrate more when I pray.

4. I want my thoughts to be controlled by You so that I will have more of the fruits of the Spirit.

5. I want to eat right.

6. I want to balance my time between James, Chi Alpha, friends, and school.

Lord, I thank You for sending the right people to minister to me when I need them. Thank You for sending Betty and Tonia at justthe right times.

I also want to continue to be open to You. I want You to continue giving me divine appointments. I would especially like tosee Elaine and Betty. I would like Your blessing on my time with Amy--I would like to see her grow closer to You.

Please bless me and James. I feel like we have not been very in tune with each other lately, and I want that back because that was the part of our relationship that made me feel safe. I know that we won't get it back until we are both in tune with You. I need to be patient with him and with myself. I want us to start being faithful about attending church together. Please help me with my temptation to stay home, and help him with his stomach problems.

I also need Your help in writing a letter to Rachel. I don't know what to say to her. I want her to realize that I do careabout her and that I do want and need her friendship. I want her to take me seriously when I talk about You. I want her to trust me the way she used to.

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